Monday, August 28, 2017

Curriculum Guideline

Curriculum Guideline

I.                 1st Session

-         Overview of Basic Prayers & Devotions

II.               2nd Session

-         Overview of the Mass
-         Instruction on proper reception of Holy Communion
-         Discussion on proper attire & behavior
-         GIRM (General Instruction of the Roman Missal)

III.             3rd Session

-         Introduction to the “Nicene Creed”
-         Historical analysis of Church creeds

IV.             4th Session

-         Introduction to Philosophy & Epistemology
-         What is Truth? Knowledge?
-         Objectivity vs Subjectivity
-         Absolutism vs. Relativism
-         Epistemological & Moral Relativism
-         Foundationalism vs. Anti-Foundationalism
-         Principle of Non-contradiction

V.               5th Session

-         Errors of Rationalism, Naturalism, and Materialism
-         Religious Indifferentism & Syncretism
-         Modernism / Liberalism
-         Limits of Human Reason
-         Logical fallacies              

VI.             6th Session

-         Introduction to Ethics / Morality
-         Natural Law
-         Fonts of Morality
-         Intrinsic evil & Double effect
-         Decalogue
-         The New Law (2 Great Commandments, 8 Beatitudes, 7 Corporal & Spiritual works of mercy).
-         What is sin? Grace?
-         The effects of sin
-         Moral issues (contraception, abortion, adultery, fornication, sodomy, etc)

VII.           7th Session

-         The possibility & reality of Divine Revelation
-         Sources of Revelation: Sacred Scripture & Tradition
-         Inspiration & Inerrancy of Scripture
-         Four Senses of Scripture
-         Historical analysis of the Bible (Composition & Canon)
-         Holy Tradition (Scriptural & Historical basis)

VIII.         8th Session

-         Arguments for God’s existence
-         Who is God? (Reason & Revelation)

IX.             9th Session

-         Finitude vs. Eternality of the world
-         Creation account of Genesis

X.               10th Session

-         Creation of Man
-         Who is man?
-         Reconciling Evolution w/ Monogenesim

XI.             11th Session

-         Fall of Man
-         Protoevangelium
-         Parallel with the Gospel of St. John

XII.           12th Session

-         Typology in the Old Testament
-         Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament
-         Christ as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies

XIII.         13th Session

-         The Incarnation (Reason and Purpose)
-         Our Lord’s birth (dating, and manner in which it occurred)

XIV.         14th Session

-         The Ministry of Jesus Christ
-         Revelation of the Trinity
-         The Holy Spirit (and His gifts)

XV.           15th Session

-         Institution of the Church
-         Ecclesiastical Structure & Hierarchy
-         Schism
-         Mission of the Church
-         EENS

XVI.         16th Session

-         Institution of the Sacraments (Biblical & Historical)
-         Holy Baptism
-         Holy Eucharist

XVII.       17th Session

-         Sacrament of Confirmation
-         Sacrament of Penance

XVIII.     18th Session

-         Sacrament of Holy Orders
-         Sacrament of Marriage
-         Vocations Day (Religious life, orders, etc)

XIX.          19th Session

-         Sacrament of Extreme Unction
-         Four Last Things

XX.            20th Session

-         Crucifixion & Death of our Lord Jesus Christ
-         Resurrection
-         Ascension
-         Judgment

XXI.          21st Session

-         History of the Church
-         Fathers of the Church (Apostolic Fathers, the Apologists, and other Ante-Nicene Fathers)

XXII.        22nd Session

-         Nicene Fathers

XXIII.      23rd Session

-         Post-Nicene Fathers
-         Doctors of the Church

XXIV.      24th Session

-         Oriental, Nestorian, and Greek Schism (History & Causes)

XXV.        25th Session

-         Protestant Revolution (History & Errors)

XXVI.      26th Session

-         Council of Trent
-         Counter-Reformation

XXVII.    27th Session

-         The Enlightenment and the rise of rationalism
-         Nominalism

XXVIII.  28th Session

-         Vatican I

XXIX.      29th Session

-         Vatican II

XXX.        30th Session

-         Introduction to Spirituality (Eastern & Western)

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